Shop Talk Blog
Practical tips and trends to help you live better from Shopper's Voice and the Shop Talk community.

Tips for your toes and your whole feet, too

Each human foot is made up of 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles or tendons, and 26 bones or one-quarter of the 206 bones in the human body. Which is often why, when you don’t take care of your feet, other problems aren’t far behind. Feet first: Medical conditions including arthritis, diabetes, nerve and circulatory […]

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6 tips for taking memorable vacation pics

Back in the day, when we were on vacation with our parents, taking pictures used to be a big production haul out the Polaroid or Kodak Instamatic (with Magicube for interior shots) or a fancy Pentax or Nikon insert the roll of film, take the rolls to be developed, choose matte or glossy finish, with […]

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