Shop Talk Blog
Practical tips and trends to help you live better from Shopper's Voice and the Shop Talk community.

10 wondrous ways to winterize your home

With last winter one of the most brutal in memory, its a smart idea to start thinking of ways to stay warm this season. Here are 10 straightforward tips to make your home more energy-efficient and reduce your heating bill. Weather-stripping, insulation and roofing: Up to 40% of your homes winter heat loss is due […]

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8 healthy ways you can eat more sustainably

Last month, we brought you helpful tips on making your home sustainable. But sustainability isnt just about whats inside our four walls, its about what we put into ourselves too. At its most basic, sustainable foods are the stuff we ate for thousands of years  before we began growing, processing, preserving, freezing and canning foods […]

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