DIY Fresh Pasta!

Over the last year, we've had more time on our hands, So, this month, we’re serving up pasta you can make in a snap, right in your kitchen, without any fancy gadgets. All you’ll need are flour, eggs, olive oil, salt, a knife, a rolling pin, and a little love.  


Here goes…


·       Place 2 ½ cups (625 ml) of all-purpose flour into a large bowl.

·       Make a well in the centre large enough for 4 eggs.

·       Break your eggs and add a tablespoon (15 ml) of olive oil.

·       Use a fork to lightly beat the eggs and oil, then gradually stir outward, mixing them the flour. As the dough thickens, you’ll need to use your fingers then your whole hands to mix.

·       Place the ball of dough on a floured surface and knead it for 10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. If you’re finding the dough getting sticky, no problem, just sprinkle in some more flour and keep kneading. If you have a mixer with a dough hook, knead it for 7 minutes.

·       Let the ball of dough rest for 30 minutes.

·       With a rolling pin, roll out the dough very thin and cut into long strips – ½” wide for pappardelle, 3/8” for tagliatelle or ¼” for fettuccine.


And presto! You’ve got pasta. Bring a pot of salted water to boil, add in your fresh noodles and cook for one to three minutes then serve with your DIY sauce.


For another simple pasta-making recipe, click here


Have you made your own pasta or have tips for the Shop Talk community? Share your pasta secrets – we always appreciate hearing from you!


Did you know? How did pasta enter the Italian diet?


Trivia buffs will tell you pasta was invented by the Chinese and introduced to Italians in the 13th century by Marco Polo. But historian John Dickie says that’s falso! According to Dickie, North Africans likely introduced itriyaa – long thin strands of dried dough that were cooked by boiling – into Sicily in the 12th century and the island became a major producer of this proto-spaghetti. By Marco Polo’s time, Italians were already in love with pasta. (Source)

33 thoughts on “DIY Fresh Pasta!

  1. After rolling it into a sheet, you can lightly flour the surface and roll it up on itself to make cuts, or roll it into long thin snakes, or wide sheets for lasagna,

  2. It answers those haunting questions of doubt and proves that obviously there are many possibilities not only in the preparation of foods but in the origin too.

  3. There are no eggs in dry pasta. I wonder if there is a way of making fresh pasta without using eggs. I have an allergy.

  4. i didnt know how easy it is to make delicious pasta at home! i can usually find eggs flour olive oil and salt in the house. im going to try to make this pasta recipe . i mean what’s the worst thing that could happen? if i can produce a good tasting pasta dish out of those few basic ingredients then its a huge help to my budget.

  5. For ease of cutting into strips, after rolling out very thin let dry for awhile on tea towel then dust with flour on both sides. Then roll up, then slice off noodles and unroll

    1. Yes, refrigerating the dough wrapped in plastic or in sealed container is fine. Just let the dough warm up a bit before rolling out.

  6. The salt mentioned… is that to be added to the boiling water for cooking, or should there be salt added to the pasta dough?
    Thank you 😊

    1. Add salt to the boiling water. Just be careful when doing so if the water’s at full boil. Drop a small dash of salt first to drop the temperature, then add the rest of the salt. If too much salt is added too soon, it will cause the water to boil over. Enjoy!

  7. I made the pasta recipe, two batches actually. I used it for lasagne (3 trays). It was delicious. The other recipes that I have use grams as measures, requiring me to pull out the weigh scale. This was very tasty. I will use it again. Thanks for the recipe and the insights.

  8. Great, but the best pasta is made with DURUM SEMOULINA not AP flour’ sorry but i am a pastaholic

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